Against a trans narrativeΜπορείτε να δείτε το τρέιλερ:
Jules Rosskam, 2008, USA, experimental, 66'
Filmmaker Jules Rosskam's work is dedicated to telling the difficult and touching stories, such as the acclaimed documentary Transparent (2005). In Rosskam's latest work, the problems of narrative and truth-telling in cinema becomes the main story. Through innovative editing that creates a dialogue among the genres of fiction, non-fiction, and experimental, against a trans narrative also develops a sophisticated and much-needed conversation about the self-narrativising techniques at work in trans experiences, specifically female-to(wards)-male. It asks in form and content: What forms of regulation, self- or otherwise, must we take part in to belong to a community, and at what cost?
From: TheJsross.
Η ιστοσελίδα της ταινίας είναι η http://www.againstatransnarrative.com/
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