Παρασκευή 5 Ιουνίου 2009

Οι γκέι πιγκουίνοι ξανακτυπούν.

Αυτή η ιστορία με τους γκέι πιγκουίνους μου αρέσει πάρα πολύ.
Έχουν και στυλ αν μή τί άλλο.
Λές ν' αρχίσουμε να το παίζουμε πιγκουίνοι;
Είναι κι οι Πράσινοι τώρα βλέπεις - θα μας υποστηρίξουν πιο δυναμικά!
Αντιγράφω από το Advocate:
Gay Penguins Take a Chick
June 04, 2009

And baby makes three for two gay penguins at Germany’s Bremerhaven Zoo.

"Z" and "Vielpunkt" have adopted the baby chick they were tasked with looking after before it hatched.

“Another couple threw the egg out of their batch,” the zoo’s vet said in a statement. “We picked it up and put it in the nest of the gay penguins.”

The penguin duo immediately took over and looked after the egg for 35 days before it hatched. The chick was born on April 25, and the penguin duo has been looking after it since.

This isn’t the first time gay penguin parents have been in the news.

Central Park Zoo’s Roy and Silo made headlines for trying to incubate a rock in their nest. A zookeeper eventually gave the penguins a fertile egg to hatch. Months later, a chick was born.

Scientists eager to prove that homosexuality is not a choice have used Roy and Silo as an example, arguing that if it happens among animals in nature, it can't be immoral.
Στο παρακάτω βίντεο οι Roy και Silo, on camera. Και σχετικό ρεπορτάζ για τους γκέι πιγκουίνους στο NBC.

From: TonySawicki
Iggy Pop - Luie Luie live


2 σχόλια:

xomeritis είπε...

Αν ήταν στο Los Angeles θα ίσχυε άραγε η proposition 8 γι' αυτούς;

Tales from the other side of town είπε...

Μή τους βάζεις ιδέες κι εσύ :p

Φαντάζομαι τον Roy και τον Silo να διαδηλώνουν :-)