Τετάρτη 14 Ιουλίου 2010


My little boy
Short gay-themed movie from Matthias Vom Schemm release 2007 in Germany with English subtitles.This short June night romance show, that Germany before Adolf Hitler political power was very gay friendly and open minded society country.But the economic crisis in 1930´s change this country to homophobic, bad and nacionalist imperium. But after Hitler has power, the situation has been changed rapidly against them.They was named freaks,deviant and sick animals, who should be eliminated from society or desexualize them by eviration(cutt off testical) or they made laboratory testing on their brain to remove part of their brain to make them straight or asexual. They signed them with pink triangle on their suits and prisoned them in concetration camps in Dachau(Germany), Terezin(Czech republic), Osvetimi(Poland) etc. Lucky one who was eliminated immediately by bullet from the gun.
This is a one story of thousands, about photographer Erich.One night he was warned by his friend Karl,that he should emigrated to Holland. Unfortunetly he was fall in love to the leutenant of SA and he think,that his uniformed boyfriend could protect him. So he stay with him and they make love in the night calls ``Night of the long knifes``. That night between 29th June-30th June 1934 was ,that Hitler eliminated more then 200 members of SA for sodomic freaks reason to have indefeasible power for him self. How pathetic is that, because Hitler never has true real girlfriend or wife, he just get married some hours before he killed his dog and then himself. So you can have your own opinion about this. If somebody ask me : Is it political to be Gay? I answer: Yes, it is very political. It is about diversification of money and power, in military and church (Vatican).Visions for society of straight= master ,gay=slave. Mostly underground secretly homo-, bi-sexual members. That is unfortunetly a real fact.
PS:To all people today ,this a important message because today we have economic crisis and fashism and homophobia inside society are dangerously rising. Especially inside countries like Germany,Poland and Czech republic the neonacist activities are above the healthy level and democratic leaders ignore them and close their eyes. I beg for all democratic leaders and intelligent people to stop this, that will not reply the biggest fault again in our history.The gay people are human and homophobia and love hates is only reflection of society anger. This is a measuring of people behaviour while economic recession.This society reflection of hate is not only against gay people, it´s visible against all minorities especially Muslims and Gypsies today.


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