OSCAR / IMPROVISATION 1 / BY HEDI SLIMANE from Johny Venegas on Vimeo.

“In their previous lives, all gay men were warriors” somebody once told me, whispering against the strong wind, early one Mediterranean morning, as we both sat stoned on a stone ledge, its rough, white saddle riding two disparate landscapes, tentatively defining a permeable border between an open air party and an open air garbage dump. The dance floor, on the one side of the divide, barely contained the writhing mass of semi-naked bodies, straining en masse to the attenuated melodrama of obscure techno pulsing all around us, it's deep bass undulations flying over the border, penetrating the other side, sending quivers across the pale spines of smoke plumes, themselves dancing over the overflowing, neighboring, illegal dumping ground, yet another mass of bodies spontaneously combusting up in the neighboring hills, over whose hump the local trash flowed, a pale mass of tumescent plastic bags creating a substitute landscape, peculiarly color coordinated with the equally gray, tumbling, and bumpy real one lying underneath this artificial, flammable skin.
The sun, barely brighter than our hallucinations, was spilling its white light, dutifully rising over the edge of a dance floor teaming with ecstatic bodybuilders. For some reason I don’t recall explained, the same somebody further elaborated that, that as “ex-mercenaries reborn, gay men vow to never hold a weapon again, choosing to survive without a knife, consecutively reincarnated weaponless in each and every life they were meant to live and die through”.
* Note: A Fragile Accomplishment is a novel written and presented on Un nouVeau iDEAL by Panagiotis HadjistefanouAll photographs, kind courtesy of Hedi Slimane The video OSCAR / IMPROVISATION 1 by Hedi Slimane, features Oscar who is a dancer of the Royal Danish Ballet. on the drums is Mathias member of the band Supershine.

2 σχόλια:
Ωραίο βιντεάκι :)
(το στυλ γραφής του αποσπάσματος είναι γνωστό ως "purple prose" πάντως :)
Όντως ωραίο.
Αγαπώ πολύ Παναγιώτη Χατζηστεφάνου, και εύχομαι να είναι πάντα καλά και δημιουργικός.
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