Έτσι λοιπόν, το πρώτο ζευγάρι, στις 12.01' μόλις, η Linda Murphy και η σύντροφός της Donna Swartwout, ήταν οι δύο πρώτες και ακολούθησαν άλλα δεκατέσσερα ζευγάρια που παντρεύτηκαν κάτω από την πανσέληνο που είχε εχτές το βράδυ.
After 19 years together Linda Murphy and Donna Swartwout tied the knot at 12:01 a.m. Friday, when New Hampshire's law legalizing same-sex marriage took effect. They were among several couples early Friday who married under a full moon on the steps of the New Hampshire Statehouse in Concord. At midnight, New Hampshire became the fifth state to allow same-sex couples to marry, joining Connecticut, Vermont, Massachusetts and Iowa. The couple, who live in Hudson, New Hampshire, said they wanted to be married as soon as they could. "We were thrilled and proud of New Hampshire ... it was a such a historic moment," Murphy said. Swartwout said the marriage gives them "words and language that the rest of the world uses." "When my nephew asks, 'Who's Linda?" I get to say, 'she's my wife,' " she said.Μπορείτε να δείτε και το σχετικό βίντεο:
- από τον Joe.My.God.
From: ScarceNews
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