Αντιγράφω ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον άρθρο του Michael Jones, από το gayrights.change.org:
How American Evangelicals are Killing Gay People in AfricaΔεν θεωρώ υπερβολή, ότι η θρησκεία (όλες οι θρησκείες), είναι ένας ιός που εξαπλώνεται από τους εγκάθετους και κατατρώγει τις σάρκες τις ανθρωπότητας, εξασθενώντας το ανοσοποιητικό της σύστημα με τον φόβο, το μίσος και την άγνοια.
by Michael A. Jones
Published October 21, 2009 @ 08:19PM PT
Hate never made for a good export. But that hasn't stopped a prominent group of American evangelicals from trying to ship their anti-LGBT principles abroad. One glaring example of right-wing theology run amuck across the globe is fresh out of Uganda, where legislative efforts to attack Ugandan LGBT people reached fever pitch this week.
Uganda is an interesting example of how the radical religious right in the United States has sought to take their battle against all things related to homosexuality to a global level. Earlier this year, a prominent group of evangelicals -- among them representatives from Exodus International and Defend the Family International -- attended a conference in Uganda aimed at discussing ways to fight homosexuality. The goal of the conference was to brainstorm ways that the government, schools and churches in Uganda could "wipe out" homosexuality from the country.
From American religious leaders to participate in something like this shows some pretty gross disrespect for human rights. What's worse, their support has lent credence to a bill introduced in Uganda's parliament this week that will imprison people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender, and will imprison straight people who support gay rights. Oh, and let's not forget that the bill also calls for HIV-positive gay people to be put to death.
All of that and a bag of chips, and it's all courtesy of American evangelicals.
Wayne Besen, a leading LGBT rights activist who monitors "ex-gay" religious groups, nails a description of the shady stuff going on in Uganda.
"Anti-gay groups have long viewed Uganda as a laboratory to experiment with Christian theocracy," writes Besen. "These American 'ex-gay' activists clearly left their stamp on this evil legislation, giving Ugandan officials a way to justify the abuse because they can claim that 'sinful' gays can choose to change."
And the proof is in the pudding -- or in this case, the actual text of the legislation, which reads like it could be lifted straight off the hate-filled pages of Exodus International's Web site. Here's a juicy nugget from the bill:This legislation further recognizes the fact that same sex attraction is not an innate and immutable characteristic and that people who experience this mental disorder can and have changed to a heterosexual orientation.Homosexuality is a mental disorder. Homosexuality can be cured. Homosexuality can be prevented. Did somebody put some crazy in the Ugandan Parliament's water?
It also recognizes that because homosexuals are not born that way, but develop this disorder based on experiences and environmental conditions, it is preventable, especially among young people who are most vulnerable to recruitment into the homosexual lifestyle.
Nope, far from it. Instead, American conservative religious leaders have been feeding Ugandan politicians this type of rhetoric for quite some time. According to Besen, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has been embraced by American fundamentalists as "the key man" in Africa to helping spread conservative Christianity. This homophobic bill is really just the latest in a history of efforts by U.S. religious groups to spur anti-gay sentiment in Uganda, and the entire African continent. It's worth sending a message to officials in Uganda that this type of legislation is a clear violation of human rights. Uganda now has a choice: Do they want to be a country with one of the most vile human rights reputations in the world, or do they want to show that they can be responsible actors in the world community and respect the rights of all of their citizens?
This, to me, is by far the clearest example of how these 'ex-gay' ministries are not only damaging to LGBT people; they're damaging to international human rights. People will be murdered and imprisoned because of the work of organizations like Exodus International and Defend the Family International.
3 σχόλια:
Μην ξεχνάς φίλε μου, τα μεγαλύτερα εγκλήματα έχουν γίνει στο όνομα του Θεού!
δεν θα μπορούσα να το ξεχάσω, η ίδια η ιστορία τα έχει καταγράψει.
Καλώς σε βρίσκω.
αναρωτιέμαι αν θα μπορούσαν να μηνυθούν στις ηπα.
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