Τετάρτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2010


HIV - The Musical
Ctrl.Alt.Shift is a movement for a new generation fighting social and global injustice. These films were made by members of the community to raise awareness of issues they care about.
This Episode: Film Competition
The main aim of Patrick and Woodall's film is to expose the ridiculous attitudes towards HIV. A series of video blogs posted by a young playwright, James McKenzie (played by Martin Freeman from The Office), whose artistic integrity is being challenged by the ignorance of a film company determined to hijack his script, represented by a producer played by Julian Barratt (The Mighty Boosh).
Written and Directed by: Joe Patrick and Tim Woodall
Mentor: Paul Andrew Williams
Music: Metronomy
Check out the Ctrl.Alt.Shift website here: http://ctrlaltshift.co.uk

From: ctrlaltshiftvideo

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