Τρίτη 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2010


Για ακόμη μία φορά, μία Τούρκικη λοαδ οργάνωση απειλείται να κλείσει απ' τις αρχές. Αυτή τη φορά πρόκειται για την Black Pink Triangle Association στην Σμύρνη. Αντιγράφω από την ιστοσελίδα της ILGA-Europe:
Call for action: potential closure of LGBT organisation in Turkey

The Black Pink Triangle Association Izmir (Turkey) is threatened to be closed on the grounds that its charter goes against "public morality" and "Turkish family structure."
The first hearing is taking place on 9 February 2010. Please read a letter posted by Black Pink Triangle Association asking you to act to fight against the closure.
SiyahPembe Üçgen cannot be closed down!
By BlackPink Triangle

The closure case that has been taken against SiyahPembe Üçgen (BlackPink Triangle) Izmir begins with the first session on the 9th February...
The first trial of the closure case that has been taken to the 6th civil court of general jurisdiction of Izmir by chief public prosecutor's office after the recourse of Izmir's governorship with the claim that the 2nd article of its charter's being "against the general morality and the protection of family" is on 9 February, 2010.
The closure case against SiyahPembe Üçgen Association is an attempt to block LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual) individuals' right of association, whereas, it, for the communities that faces discrimination, is an absolute must. The only possible way to resist to isolation and exclusion for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals that are under pressure of the social structures because of their sexual orientations and identities is unity and solidarity. There is no other discovered way to struggle against hate crimes, homophobic and transphobic discourses and discriminatory practises in publicity. In a world where heterosexism is rammed down people's throat as a divine reality, closing down the LGBT associations who are the only ones that can criticise all is the sign of an authoritarian mindset.
How possibly should an association that was founded on the purpose of securing LGBT individuals' vital rights and while they try to exist economically, socially and culturally, preventing them being exposed to discrimination be closed?
The black pink badge that LGBTs were forced to wear in Nazi Genocide Camps shall no more be the symbol of destruction and discrimination but a fight for a life that is based on living together with all our differences.
As well as for heterosexuals, the constitutional rights and freedoms go for lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals!
Against all kinds of discrimination and inequality, we call for all right defenders who shout for equality and freedom to be with us and act with solidarity as long as this case continues...
SiyahPembe Üçgen cannot be closed down, must not be closed down!
Στο παρακάτω βίντεο ένας νεαρός γκέι Τούρκος διηγείται την ιστορία του.

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