DC mayor signs gay marriage billΕνδιαφέρον έχει ότι η τελετή υπογραφής του νόμου, έγινε στην εκκλησία των Ουνιταριστών, στην All Souls Unitarian Church - μπορείτε να δείτε και το παρακάτω βίντεο:
By The Associated Press
12.18.2009 12:07pm EST
(Washington) The mayor of Washington has signed a bill legalizing gay marriage in the nation’s capital, but it won’t go into effect just yet.
Mayor Adrian M. Fenty signed the bill Friday in a public ceremony.
The city council passed the measure Tuesday to legalize same-sex marriage in the city. Congress has final say over D.C.’s laws, however, so the mayor’s signature doesn’t mean the bill immediately becomes law.
The bill must pass a 30-day period of Congressional review.
Supporters expect Congress won’t touch the law and that gay couples may be able to wed in the district as early as March. Opponents, however, plan to fight the bill.
From: StandontheSideofLove
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