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ειδησεις, αρθρα, μουσικη, κινηματογραφος ειδικα μικρου μηκους lgbt θεματολογιας.
Gay Couples Wed in Argentina
By Advocate.com Editors, July 30, 2010
The first couples have tied the knot under Argentina’s historic law legalizing same-sex marriage.
Jose Luis Navarro and Miguel Angel Calefato wed Friday morning in the city of Frias, Santiago del Estero Province. The two have been together for 27 years.
A few hours later, Argentine actor Ernesto Larrese (pictured at right) and his partner, actor-manager Alejandro Vannelli, were married in Buenos Aires.
Argentine president Cristina Fernandez signed the bill into law July 21, making her country the first in Latin America to legalize same-sex marriage.
The Hanging Garden
Directed & Produced by Thom Fitzgerald
Written by Louise Garfield
Starring: Arnie Gelbart, Troy Veinotte, Sarah Polley, Peter MacNeill, Seana McKenna
Music by John Roby
Running time 91 min.
Awards: Genie Award, Claude Jutra Award, Atlantic Film Festival, Audience Award, Troia International Film Festival, FIPRESCI Prize, GLAAD Media Awards, Mar del Plata Film Festival Best Screenplay, Toronto International Film Festival People's Choice Award, Vancouver International Film Festival Most Popular Canadian Film, Sudbury Cinefest Best Canadian Film Award, Chlotrudis Award.
The Hanging Garden is a 1997 British/Canadian movie written and directed by Thom Fitzgerald that is about the duality of life and death and the way seemingly very different choices in life can lead to similar outcomes.
25-year-old Sweet William (Chris Leavins) returns to his parents' house after ten years of absence to attend the wedding of his sister Rosemary (Kerry Fox). It is revealed that he was once a gay, obese teenager (played by Troy Veinotte), who was caught having sex with his bisexual friend Fletcher (Joel Keller) in the garden by his grandmother when he was 15; Rosemary is marrying Fletcher.
As a consequence of the ensuing rejection, particularly by his father (Peter MacNeill), Sweet William had the choice of either running away to live in a big city far away from the family or committing suicide by hanging himself from a tree in the garden.
In the movie, both the alive, now slender and self-assured Sweet William and the obese, suffocated teenage Sweet William, hanging as a fresh corpse in the garden, are present and interacting. In the version of reality where Sweet William dies, his family members cannot shed their memories of his death and carry on with their lives, whereas in the other version Sweet William is haunted by memories of his father's misbehavior and is unable to reconcile with him.
As well, a new family member, Violet (Christine Dunsworth) is subsequently revealed to have been fathered by Sweet William, from an incident when Sweet William's mother (Seana McKenna) took him to a prostitute in an attempt to "cure" his homosexuality.
The cast also includes Sarah Polley, Joan Orenstein, Heather Rankin and a cameo appearance by Ashley MacIsaac.
Velvet Underground - Sister Ray.
The song concerns drug use, violence, homosexuality and transvestism. Reed said of the lyrics: "'Sister Ray' was done as a joke—no, not as a joke—but it has eight characters in it and this guy gets killed and nobody does anything. It was built around this story that I wrote about this scene of total debauchery and decay. I like to think of ‘Sister Ray' as a transvestite smack dealer. The situation is a bunch of drag queens taking some sailors home with them, shooting up on smack and having this orgy when the police appear."
Janis Joplins female lover speaks out
Bisexual Examiner, Sheela Lambert
Last night an episode of Biography about Janis Joplin aired on the Bio channel. Among the interviewees was Peggy Caserta, a woman who had an affair with Janis over several years.
Peggy Casserta on her relationship with Janis Joplin:It worked for what it was. We had a lot of fun. We made a lot of love. It wasn’t a relationship that people think of or look at today as a ‘lesbian relationship.’ It was not like that at all. We were compatible and young and wild and interested in each other.Peggy Caserta -Janet Joplin's lover circa late 60'sWhat she probably means by not a "lesbian relationship" is that their relationship was very open and they were both
dating other girls and guys. It was, after all, the height of the sexual revolution in Hippy central, San Francisco’s Haight-Ashbury.
Caserta, seen right as a bodacious bikini babe in the 60’s, is now middle-aged and somewhat wider, but still quite lovely. It was fascinating to see her in the flesh, with shoulder-length auburn hair, gorgeous cheekbones, a hint of cleavage, a dignified bearing and obvious intelligence. To hear her actual voice, confident and slightly nasal, was quite exciting, as she described Janis's emotional vulnerability and told anecdotes about Janis freaking out after getting stood up by boyfriend Country Joe MacDonald, how her manager pushed her to break up with Brother and the Holding Company, the band that made her career, because he felt their talent didn’t match hers, and how Janis got back onto heroin after getting clean.
Caserta did a tell-all book about their relationship called Going Down with Janis (as told to Dan Knapp) published in 1973. It appears to be out of print because copies are now going for up to $100 on Amazon. I have a copy and it gives a very intimate picture of Janis’s personality, the slow path they took from friendship to lovers, their open relationship, their sex life, their drug use, Janis's rise to fame and the 60’s in Haight-Ashbury. At the time she met Janice, Peggy was a boutique owner whose store was on the corner of Haight & Ashbury where Janis used to shop.
I checked the Bio website but couldn’t determine when the Janis Joplin episode would be aired again and didn’t see it for sale on their site. So you’ll probably just have to look out for it on the Bio channel or A&E. I’m guessing that Oct 4, the anniversary of her death, or Jan 19, her birthday, would be likely dates to catch a rerun.
A long-awaited Janis Joplin bio pic, starring Zooey Deschanel, entitled Gospel According to Janis, originally announced for 2007, now has a projected release for 2010 according to IMDb, status updated in July.
Απερρίφθη προσφυγή ζευγαριού ομοφυλόφιλων απο το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο.Και ένα βίντεο από παλιότερο τηλεοπτικό ρεπορτάζ για τον γάμο ομοφύλων.
SigmaLive, 25 Ιουλίου 2010
Κάτι τέτοια συμβαίνουν στην Κύπρο και αναρωτίομαστε αν ζούμε στο μεσαίωνα ή στο 2010. Ο λόγος για την απόφαση του Ανωτάτου Δικαστηρίου, να απορρίψει προσφυγή ζευγαριού ομοφύλων.
Η προσπάθεια Ελληνοκυπρίου να αναγνωριστεί, έστω και εμμέσως, ο γάμος που τέλεσε με Καναδό υπήκοο, έπεσε στο κενό.
Όταν ήρθε στην Κύπρο το ομόφυλο ζευγάρι υποβλήθηκε αίτημα στο τμήμα Μετανάστευσης από τον Κύπριο σύζυγο, ο οποίος ζητούσε να παραχωρηθεί στον Καναδό σύζυγό του μακρόχρονη άδεια παραμονής καθώς και άδεια εργασίας, αφού το καθεστώς του προσωρινού επισκέπτη δεν του επιτρέπει να εργαστεί.
Το αίτημα απορρίφθηκε και η υπόθεση οδηγήθηκε ενώπιον του Ανωτάτου Δικαστηρίου. Το Ανώτατο Δικαστήριο, αν και έκρινε πως θα μπορούσε να απορριφθεί η προσφυγή και προδικαστικώς, εντούτοις, εξέτασε και την ουσία του όλου θέματος.
Σύμφωνα με δημοσίευμα της εφημερίδας "Πολίτης", ο δικαστής του Ανωτάτου κ. Στέλιος Ναθαναήλ, ο οποίος επιλήφθηκε της προσφυγής, παρέπεμψε στη σχετική Νομοθεσία περί Γάμου, υποδεικνύοντας ότι "δεν υπάρχει νομοθετική πρόβλεψη για σύναψη γάμου μεταξύ ομόφυλων ατόμων. Ο νόμος προνοεί ότι γάμος σημαίνει τη συμφωνία για ένωση που συνάπτεται μεταξύ γυναικός και ανδρός από λειτουργό τέλεσης γάμου, εάν πρόκειται για πολιτικό γάμο, ή με βάση τους κανόνες της Ελληνικής Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας ή των δογμάτων των θρησκευτικών ομάδων που αναγνωρίζονται από το κυπριακό Σύνταγμα. Περαιτέρω, η νομολογία του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαστηρίου Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων (ΕΔΑΔ) έχει σταδιακά δεχθεί την απόρροια δικαιωμάτων οικονομικής και περιουσιακής υφής από τη σχέση μεταξύ ομοφύλων που διαβιούν μαζί για σειρά ετών, έχοντας δεχθεί ότι η έννοια της οικογένειας και του γάμου δεν είναι στατικές".
Ωστόσο, ο δικαστής τόνισε στην απόφασή του ότι "το ΕΔΑΔ δεν έχει προχωρήσει μέχρι του σημείου να αναγνωρίζει ευθέως ότι παραβιάζεται οποιοδήποτε δικαίωμα, και ιδιαίτερα αυτό που αφορά στην οικογενειακή ζωή και την ιδιωτική ζωή, με τη μη αναγνώριση της νομιμότητας γάμου μεταξύ ομοφύλων. Αντίθετα, οι αποφάσεις έχουν αναγνωρίσει ότι το δικαίωμα σύναψης γάμου και η ρύθμιση της δυνατότητας γάμου μεταξύ ομοφύλων εμπίπτει στα όρια της διακριτικής ευχέρειας του κάθε κράτους μέλους, το οποίο δύναται να αποφασίζει, με βάση τις δικές του νομοθεσίες και κοινωνικές αντιλήψεις, την έννοια του γάμου".
Στην απόφασή του ο δικαστής κ. Στέλιος Ναθαναήλ σημείωσε επίσης ότι "εάν κράτη μέλη αποφασίζουν να επεκτείνουν το δικαίωμα σύναψης γάμου και μεταξύ ατόμων του ιδίου φύλου, αυτό αντικατοπτρίζει τις δικές τους αντιλήψεις για το ρόλο του γάμου στις κοινωνίες τους και δεν εκπηγάζει εξ αυτής της επέκτασης οποιαδήποτε αρχή δικαίου ή τέτοια ερμηνεία της Ευρωπαϊκής Σύμβασης Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, που να επηρεάζει την παραδοσιακή έννοια του γάμου".
Κατάληξη του δικαστηρίου ήταν ότι "εφόσον και η νομολογία του ΕΔΑΔ επιτρέπει στα κράτη μέλη να μεταχειριστούν το θέμα του γάμου κατά το δικό τους δίκαιο, χωρίς ταυτόχρονα να έχει αναδυθεί μέχρι στιγμής οποιαδήποτε διαφορετική συγκλίνουσα αρχή δικαίου, το αίτημα των αιτητών είναι και επί της ουσίας αβάσιμο".
Jack Smith (November 14, 1932 in Columbus, Ohio - September 25, 1989 in New York City) was an American filmmaker, actor, and pioneer of underground cinema. He is generally acclaimed as a founding father of American performance art, and has been critically recognized as a master photographer, though his photographic works are rare and remain largely unknown.Δείτε επίσης την ταινία του μεσαίου μήκους, Flaming Creatures (1963),
Jack Smith was raised in Texas and, after making his first film Buzzards over Baghdad (1952), moved to New York in 1953.
Smith was one of the first proponents of the aesthetics which came to be known as 'camp' and 'trash', using no-budget means of production (e.g. using discarded color reversal film stock) to create a visual cosmos heavily influenced by Hollywood kitsch, orientalism and with Flaming Creatures created drag culture as it is currently known. Smith was heavily involved with John Vaccaro, founder of The Playhouse of The Ridiculous, whose disregard for conventional theater practice deeply influenced Smith's ideas about performance art. In turn Vaccaro was deeply influenced by Smith's aesthetics. It was Vaccaro who introduced Smith to glitter and in 1966 and 1967 Smith created costumes for Vaccaro's Playhouse of The Ridiculous. Smith's style influenced the film work of Andy Warhol as well as the early work of John Waters, and while all three were part of the 1960s gay arts movement, it is certain that both Vaccaro and Smith refuted the idea that their sexual orientation was responsible for their art.
Tony Conrad has produced two CDs from the Jack Smith tape archives subtitled 56 Ludlow Street that were recorded at 56 Ludlow Street between 1962 and 1964.[4]
Smith has also been referenced by artists such as Laurie Anderson, Cindy Sherman and Mike Kelley, filmmakers David Lynch and Matthew Barney, photographer Nan Goldin, musicians John Zorn, Lou Reed and David Byrne, and theatre director Robert Wilson. Theater legend Richard Foreman writes, 'Jack Smith is the hidden source of practically everything that's of any interest in the so-called experimental theatre today.'
The most famous (and arguably the most notorious) of Smith's productions is Flaming Creatures (1962). The film is basically a travesty on Hollywood B movies and tribute to actress Maria Montez, who starred in many such productions. However, authorities considered some scenes to be pornographic. Copies of the movie were confiscated at the premiere and it was subsequently banned (technically, it still is to this day). Despite not being viewable, the movie gained some notoriety when footage was screened during Congressional hearings and right-wing politician Strom Thurmond mentioned it in anti-porn speeches.
Smith's next movie Normal Love was the only work in Smith's oeuvre with an almost conventional length (120 mins.), and featured a whole host of underground stars, including Mario Montez, Diane di Prima, Tiny Tim, Francis Francine, Beverley Grant, John Vaccaro, and others. The rest of his productions consists mainly of short movies, many of them never to be screened in a cinema, but to feature in performances and constantly re-edited to fit the stage needs (including Normal Love).
Apart from his own work Smith has also worked as an actor himself. He played the lead in Andy Warhol's unfinished film Batman Dracula, Ken Jacobs's Blonde Cobra, and appeared in several theater productions by Robert Wilson.
He also worked as a photographer and founded the Hyperbole Photographic Studio in New York. In 1962 he released The Beautiful Book, a collection of pictures of New York artists, which has recently been re-released by Granary Books.
After his last film, No President (1967), Smith created performance and experimental theatre work until his death on September 25, 1989 from AIDS-related pneumonia.
In 1989, at Jack Smith's specific request, New York performance artist and former Warhol superstar Penny Arcade undertook to salvage his work from the rubble of Mr Smith's apartment after Smith's long bout with AIDS and subsequent death, attempting to preserve the apartment that he had transformed into an elaborate stage set for his never to be fiilmed epic "Sinbad In a Rented World" as a museum dedicated to Jack Smith and his work, which was foiled in part by the greed for cheap east Village apartments that leaked Smith's death to his landlords.
In 1992, performer Ron Vawter recreated Smith's performance "What's Underground about Marshmallows" in Roy Cohn/Jack Smith which he presented in a live performance and which was later released as a film.
Until recently, Smith's archive was co-managed by Arcade, alongside the film historian J. Hoberman via their corporation The Plaster Foundation Inc. Within ten years of Smith's death, the Foundation, operating largely without funding but thru donations and good will, was able to restore all of Smith's films, create a major retrospective curated by Edward Leffingwell at PS 1, the Contemporary Arts museum now part of MOMA, put his films back into international distribution and publish several books on Jack Smith and his work.
In January 2004, the New York Surrogate Court ordered Hoberman and Arcade to return Smith's archive to his legal heir, estranged surviving sister Sue Slater. Hoberman and Arcade fought to dismiss Slater's claim, arguing that she abandoned Jack's apartment and its contents; the Plaster Foundation created the archive and took possession of the work only after 14 years of repeated, documented attempts at communication with her. In a six-minute trial, Judge Eve Preminger rejected the Foundation's argument and awarded the archive to Slater.
By October 2006, the Foundation had still refused to surrender Smith's archive to the estate, claiming money owed them for expenses associated with managing the archive—and hoping Smith's work would be bought by an appropriate public institution that could safeguard his legacy and keep the works in the public eye. According to curator Jerry Tartaglia, the dispute was finally resolved as of 2008, with the purchase of Smith's estate by the Gladstone Gallery.
- από την wikipedia.
Gender (2009).
short, 2 min, russia.
Drawn for gender festival taken place in st. petersburg (russia)
Ke Kulana He Mahu: Remembering a Sense of Place.
67 minutes
A full-length documentary about colonization, homophobia, and their affects on Hawaiian culture and Hawaiian people.
Austin Unbound.
by Greensoda Productions
From the age of three, Austin knew that his female anatomy did not fit him. In middle school, he changed his name and began to dress as a boy. Today, Austin identifies as a straight man and a member of the Portland queer ASL community.
Austin Unbound documents this Deaf man's choice to get a double mastectomy. He and his best friend, James, travel from Portland to San Francisco for the surgery. This social issue film also follows Austin's life in his supportive, local queer ASL community and includes time with his girlfriend, his mother, grandmother and sisters.
Myth of Father
Director Paul Hills father, Jodie, is a transsexual woman. When she came out to Paul a few years ago, he began a journey to learn about who his father is. This stunning video documentary contrasts Pauls relationship to his father with the relationship of his father and her own dad. Candid interviews provide reflections on Jodies youth: "He seemed to live the normal life. He was into cars, he was into rock bands, he went into the Armymarriedchild" But no one really knew Jodie, as she explains, "No one knew who I was. I trashed relationships with everyone I knew, including my own son."
Myth of Father traces the emotions and viewpoints of family members as they deal with Bruce's tranformation into Jodie. As with most families, the layering is complex. Paul Hill...is an insightful filmmaker..."
(...) Facts and figures serve as further confirmation of the importance of the conference’s message – “Rights now, Right here” – recalling that the issues of human rights are inseparable from the solution of the AIDS problem. The epidemiological and human situation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, presented by Vladimir Zhovtyak and Alexandra Volgina, illustrates this problem painfully.
It is in this region of the world that AIDS is spreading the fastest, especially among drug users, sex workers, women and gays. The prevalence has doubled since 2001, bringing to 1,500,000 the number of affected people.
Repression and discrimination are both obstacles to the fight against AIDS and the figures make it clear: 400 contaminations per day, an exploding prevalence in certain groups (between 10 and 23 percent among homosexuals in Ukraine, for example) and one person in four, living with HIV, is in jail.
During his speech, Yves Souteyrand stressed the value of Ukraine’s response to the epidemic. Ukraine was in measure to develop appropriate tools capable of measuring the epidemic, and to rely on drug users’ associations in order to reduce the number of contaminations among this population’s group. The good results can’t be confirmed without a strengthening in the country’s human rights issues.
Treatment and prevention, the situation in Eastern Europe, human rights: every issue that will animate the conference was addressed by an AIDS community galvanized to end the epidemic, if enough funding becomes available.
“Show us the money for health” demanded Paula Akugizibwe, a Rwandan activist addressing the governments. Activists have the figures on their side.
Love Man, Love Woman
Dir. Nguyen Trinh Thi
2007 53 min. Vietnam
Vietnamese w/English subtitles
In this documentary, the filmmaker follows Master Luu Ngoc Duc, one of the most prominent spirit mediums in Hanoi, and his vibrant community through their rituals and everyday life. The film explores how effeminate and gay men in homophobic Vietnam have traditionally found community and expression in the country's popular Mother Goddess Religion, Dao Mau.
The Salt Mines.
Carlos Aparicio & Susana Aikin
1990 47 min. USA
The Salt Mines explores the lives of Sara, Gigi and Giovanna, three Latino transvestites who for years have lived on the streets of Manhattan supporting their drug addictions through prostitution. They made their temporary home inside broken garbage trucks that the Sanitation Department keeps next to the salt deposits used in the winter to melt the snow. The three friends share the place known as "The Salt Mines" with a varied community of homeless people. They talk about their sexual identity, their past and their dreams. We follow their daily lives day and night until the place is closed and sealed by the city, forcing everyone to disperse.
Gays defy Polish traditionalists for EuroPride march
15,000 turn out in Warsaw for the first staging of the premier event east of former Iron Curtain
By Gulliver Cragg in Warsaw, Sunday, 18 July 2010
To anyone who pictures Warsaw as a cold, grey, conservative city, yesterday offered an antidote: a 15,000-strong, all-singing, all-dancing gay pride parade partied its way through the Polish capital. As if to underscore the reversal of stereotypes, they did so in blazing sunshine and 34C heat. The parade was the culmination of EuroPride, a two-week festival of parties, films and debates – Europe's largest gay rights event. First held in 1992, in London, this was the first time it had taken place east of the former Iron Curtain.
But despite its ostensible success, the festival highlighted an East-West divide in attitudes to homosexuality across Europe, and a rift within Polish society. For this was also the first time that EuroPride has gone without the official patronage of its host city's mayor. The programme featured encouraging words from London's Boris Johnson, but nothing from Warsaw's Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz. Conveniently, she was on holiday last week, her centre-right Civic Platform party desperate to maintain its Catholic credentials. The city's archbishop, Kazimierz Nycz, had said: "No one can force us to support, promote or sponsor this parade."
Warsaw's city hall received 4,000 letters and a petition with more than 55,000 signatures – some of them from well-known figures – calling for a ban. The late president Lech Kaczynski notoriously did ban gay pride marches in Warsaw five years ago. But in 2007, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that he had acted illegally. "That's why we were awarded EuroPride this year: as a prize for enforcing the law in Strasbourg," explained co-organiser Agata Chaber. Legally obliged to authorise the event, the authorities gave every impression of running away from it. After several minutes of weaselly procedural excuses, city hall spokesman Tomasz Andryszczyk finally admitted: "You can point to the background in attitudes within the cultural sphere; the role of the church here is different; history is different..."
Mr Kaczynski's sudden death in April revived support among Poles for his traditionalist outlook. His twin brother, Jaroslaw – a man who once declared "The affirmation of homosexuality will lead to the downfall of civilisation" – scored 47 per cent in this month's presidential election. Bronislaw Komorowski, who won, is hardly a gay rights advocate himself.
And so, one of the highest-profile political figures marching yesterday was Britain's Police minister, Nick Herbert. Mr Herbert is the most senior gay Tory MP, and the Conservatives are seeking to quell criticism of their European alliance with Mr Kaczynski's Law and Justice Party. But even if Law and Justice had wanted to send a gay MP to join Mr Herbert on the march, it couldn't have: not one member of the Polish parliament is openly homosexual.
Polish far-right groups are using that kind of pressure from the West to argue that homosexuality is an unwanted foreign import. The main counter-demonstration on Saturday posed as a commemoration of the battle of Grunwald, where, exactly 600 years ago, Poland and Lithuania defeated the Teutonic Knights (ie, the Germans). "We feel that the situation today is similar," said Robert Winnicki, organiser of the Grunwald march. "EuroPride is some kind of ideological aggression: the knights from the West want to force us to think that gayness is normal."
Most Varsovians would dismiss the likes of Mr Winnicki as crazy extremists. But a visit to mass at St Jacek's revealed more typical attitudes among conservatives. "This march is not about tolerance; it's about exhibitionism," said Tomasz, a middle-aged mechanic. "Heterosexuals don't make a parade of their sexuality." Monika, a student, initially agreed. But she then conceded that heterosexuals don't need to parade because they already have the right to marry. In Poland, civil unions are a long way off. A recent poll showed nearly two-thirds of Poles still disapprove of gay pride rallies, although that is 15 per cent less than in 2005.
To Ms Chaber, the politicians' attitude was predictable. "That no one could find even 10 minutes to come and cut the ribbon at Pride House is a disappointment, but an expected one."
Visitors from abroad said they'd come specifically because they'd heard the situation for gays in Poland was bad. "I wouldn't go on a gay pride march in Brussels," said Jérémie from Belgium. "But we've been having a great time here."
What pleased Ms Chaber most was the numbers. Far fewer than at recent events in Madrid and Zurich, of course. "But this is Poland! Normally we get 6,000 people, max. And it's not just the foreigners. Because it's EuroPride, more Poles are coming. They don't want to be seen as homophobic."
Dragged Under
Red Dot Productions
a Joseph Gerard film
starring Brianna Brooks
short, documentary, 26 min.
Παγκόσμια καμπάνια υπεράσπισης των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και περιορισμού του AIDS..
health.in.gr, 15/7/2010
Βιέννη: To 18ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο AIDS (AIDS 2010) θα ξεκινήσει τις εργασίες του, οι οποίες θα διαρκέσουν έξι ημέρες, στις 18 Ιουλίου 2010 στην Βιέννη.
Το συνέδριο, το οποίο διοργανώνεται κάθε δύο χρόνια συγκεντρώνει περίπου 25.000 επιστήμονες, κυβερνητικούς εκπρόσωπους, εργαζόμενους στον τομέα της υγείας, ακτιβιστές, επικεφαλής επιχειρήσεων και άτομα που ζουν με τον ιό του ΗΙV/AIDS.
Ως επιμέρους κομμάτι της εβδομάδας του συνεδρίου έχουν προγραμματιστεί πολλές δραστηριότητες, οι οποίες επικεντρώνονται στον ΗΙV και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα. Μεταξύ άλλων, μια από τις μεγαλύτερες φιλανθρωπικές εκδηλώσεις για το AIDS, το Life Ball στο δημαρχείο της Βιέννης, το HIV Human Rights March and Rally και η καμπάνια Light For Rights, η οποία αποσκοπεί στην ευαισθητοποίηση πάνω στα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και την μάχη ενάντια στον ΗΙV.
Η Αυστριακή Πρεσβεία στην Αθήνα θα συμμετάσχει μαζί με τις άλλες Αυστριακές Πρεσβείες ανά τον κόσμο στην καμπάνια Light For Rights, σβήνοντας τα φώτα της και ανάβοντάς τα σε σύμπνοια με την τελετή Life Ball Light For Rights, τη νύχτα της 17ης Ιουλίου, από τις 12:20 έως τις 12:45 π.μ.
Το Light For Rights αποτελεί μέρος μιας παγκόσμιας πρωτοβουλίας υπεράσπισης και ευαισθητοποίησης πάνω στα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, η οποία χρησιμοποιεί τολμηρά και καινοτόμα μηνύματα, μια μεταφορική χρήση του φωτός και του σκοταδιού και τολμηρά οπτικά γραφικά για να προσελκύσει την προσοχή στην σχέση μεταξύ των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων και της επιτυχημένης αντίδρασης στον ΗΙV/AIDS. Το θέμα του AIDS 2010, Rights here, right now τονίζει ότι η προώθηση και η προστασία των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων είναι απαραίτητες για μια επιτυχημένη αντίδραση στον ΗΙV.
Στο πλαίσιο των εκδηλώσεων του 2009/10 για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά του AIDS, η UNAIDS και τρεις παγκόσμιοι εταίροι της διοργανώνουν μια ετήσια καμπάνια για τα ΜΜΕ και τη δημόσια ευαισθητοποίηση, εστιάζοντας στην σύνδεση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων με τον ΗΙV.
Η εκδήλωση του 2009 στην Νέα Υόρκη για την Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά του AIDS ήταν εμπνευσμένη από το Night without Light (Νύχτα χωρίς Φως), το οποίο είχε αναλάβει η οργάνωση Visual AIDS το 1990. Το 2009, όπως θα γίνει και το 2010, ιδιαίτερη έμφαση δόθηκε στο να λάμψει το φως των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων για τα άτομα που ανήκουν στις ομάδες υψηλού κινδύνου.
Η ιστορία έχει δείξει ότι ο φόβος, ο στιγματισμός, το μίσος, οι διακρίσεις και η εγκληματικότητα που σχετίζονται με το AIDS, οδηγούν τα άτομα που ζουν με τον ιό σε ένα μεταφορικό σκοτάδι, όπου συχνά πεθαίνουν μόνα τους μέσα στον φόβο και την απομόνωση.
Επιστημονικά στοιχεία έχουν δείξει ότι με τη λάμψη του φωτός της προστασίας των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων για τα άτομα που ζουν με ΗΙV, θα φωτιστεί ο δρόμος της πληροφόρησης, της πρόληψης, της αντιμετώπισης, της φροντίδας και της στήριξης που είναι απαραίτητα ώστε να αναδυθεί το άτομο από τις σκιές, βαδίζοντας προς μια παραγωγική ζωή.
Για όλους τους παραπάνω λόγους, τα θέματα του AIDS 2010 συμπεριλαμβάνουν την κατάσταση της επιδημίας στη νότια Αφρική και σε άλλες περιοχές, τον συνδυασμό στρατηγικής και πρόληψης, τις εξελίξεις στην αντιρετροϊική θεραπεία, την επέκταση των πολιτικών και των προγραμμάτων για άτομα που κάνουν χρήση ενέσιμων ναρκωτικών και την πολιτική ευθύνη για καθολική πρόσβαση στην θεραπεία και τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα.
France’s supreme court of judicature recognizes that a child can have two same-sex parents..
The Cour de cassation, the highest court of criminal and civil matters in France, took on July 8, 2010 a landmark decision that could be a step towards the legal recognition of same-sex couple adoption in France. The Court decided that a certain US ruling made by the County of DeKalb in Detroit, Georgia, which recognized two women as the same child’s legal parents, should be put into effect in France.
By acknowledging a legal parent-child relationship between a French woman and her American partner’s birth daughter, the French tribunal recognized for the first time that a child could have two parents of the same sex.
Mrs. B is a French physician established in the United States, where she met Mrs. N, an American citizen who’s also a doctor. In 1999, in Atlanta, thanks to an artificial insemination by an anonymous donor, Mrs. N gave birth to a baby girl. Mrs. B then filed an application to adopt her partner’s newborn daughter. The State Court of DeKalb County approved the application since it was “in the best interest of the child” given that “it would be inconsistent with the reality of the provisions related to the child’s education to terminate the rights of the legal parent or to refuse the demand of adoption by the second parent, given that the adoption benefits from the formal consent of the legal parent”. A new birth certificate was issued indicating Mrs. N as the mother and Mrs. B as the second parent.
In 2007, Ms. B demanded the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Paris (TGI) to legally recognize this decision in France. However, the tribunal dismissed the application stating that it would be contrary to the “French international public policy” and that the adoption by Mrs. B would deprive the biological mother of the parental authority over her daughter, which would be contrary to the interest of the child.
Thus, in 2007, the demand was initially dismissed. But the interpretation given at that time was questionable, as explained by jurist Géraud de La Pradelle, in La Gazette du Palais September 6, 2007: “The court should have noticed that the situation was characterized by the fact that U.S. law – as applied by the Court of DeKalb – and French law – as interpreted by jurisprudence – both prescribe the preservation of the parental authority by the biological mother. (…) In this particular case, adaptation would lead to executing the American decision, which is absolutely consistent with the requirements of French civil law as the court had estimated”. Even though Mrs. B. appealed the decision, the French court of appeal (Cour d’appel) confirmed the tribunal’s verdict in 2008.
However, on July 8, 2010, the reasons advanced by the court of appeal were not endorsed by the French Cour de Cassation, which instead ordered the execution in France of the American tribunal’s decision. In other words, the child in question has now, in France, two legal parents of the same sex. “It’s an extraordinary decision”, announces proudly Mrs. B’s lawyer, Maître Caroline Mécary.
“This decision opens the door to all similar requests concerning the adoption by a second parent, regardless of his or her sex”, emphasizes Maître Mécary. “It calls into question the French law about adoption, which nowadays doesn’t allow unmarried couples or civil partners to adopt. And it also highlights a reverse discrimination, since French homosexual couples are treated worse than binational couples, that have benefited from a judgment which recognizes the second parent de facto abroad”.
Argentine Senate backs a bill legalising gay marriageΚαι ένα σχετικό μικρό βίντεο
Argentina has become the first country in Latin America to legalise gay marriage after the Senate voted in favour.
The country's Chamber of Deputies has already approved the legislation.
The vote in the Senate, which backed the bill by just six votes, came after 14 hours of at times heated debate.
The law, which also allows same-sex couples to adopt, had met with fierce opposition from the Catholic Church and other religious groups.
Thousands protested outside Congress as debates took place inside.
At Sunday Mass, people were urged to protest on the eve of the vote by senators on whether to legalise gay marriage in the country.
"I came to defend marriage between man and woman, because I think any attempt against this is an attempt against natural law," said Angeles Navarro, one of the protesters.
The main slogan for the protest against the legislation was "the children have a right to a mother and a father".
Demonstrators hold a banner that reads in Spanish "Neither union nor adoption. Only: men and women" outside Congress in Buenos Aires on 14 July There were demonstrations for and against the bill outside Congress as senators debated
Small groups of demonstrators gathered in support of the bill.
There has been a number of gay marriages recently in Argentina, some of which were annulled by the Supreme Court, creating a legal controversy.
"Same-sex families already exist, gay families already exist, so the task that they (the senate) will have... is to legalise the situation of all those families," said one protester.
Civil unions between people of the same sex are legal in the city of Buenos Aires and in some other provinces but there was no law to regulates it on a country-wide level.
President Cristina Fernandez had stated that she would not veto the measure if it arrived in her office.
The city of Buenos Aires, Argentina's capital, is widely considered to be among the most gay-friendly cities in Latin America. It was the first Latin American city to legalise same-sex unions.